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Islamic Lectures Centre
Authentic knoweledge 24/7.Islamic Lectures Centre is an Internet Radio station broadcasting from Leicester, England, United Kingdom, provides Islamic Talk and Relgious programs.

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Unknown - Difference between TABDHIR (spending more than one can afford) & ISRAF (extravagance assim al hakeem
Unknown - Difference between TABDHIR (spending more than one can afford) & ISRAF (extravagance assim al hakeem
First heard a month ago
Last heard 13 days ago
When should we do dua qunoot in Witr, before or after ruku? - Assim al hakeem
When should we do dua qunoot in Witr, before or after ruku? - Assim al hakeem
First heard 3 months ago
Last heard 23 days ago
How did the Angels predict that Man would cause bloodshed & corruption on earth? - assim al hakeem
How did the Angels predict that Man would cause bloodshed & corruption on earth? - assim al hakeem
First heard 3 months ago
Last heard 2 months ago
Unknown - If Women Children pass in front of us while praying does it break prayer How to stop assim al hakeem
Unknown - If Women Children pass in front of us while praying does it break prayer How to stop assim al hakeem
First heard 3 months ago
Last heard 2 days ago
Is it permissible for a muslim to use offensive words? - assim al hakeem
Is it permissible for a muslim to use offensive words? - assim al hakeem
First heard 3 months ago
Last heard 19 days ago
Unknown - Doubtful about the number (quls or dhikr for morning/evening or after fard prayer) assim al hakeem
Unknown - Doubtful about the number (quls or dhikr for morning/evening or after fard prayer) assim al hakeem
First heard 3 months ago
Last heard 19 days ago
Unknown - After praying Taraweeh & Witr with the imam, can we pray more when going back home? assim al hakeem
Unknown - After praying Taraweeh & Witr with the imam, can we pray more when going back home? assim al hakeem
First heard 3 months ago
Last heard 15 days ago
Unknown - I edit videos for clients who put background music by themselves Is my income haram? assim al hakeem
Unknown - I edit videos for clients who put background music by themselves Is my income haram? assim al hakeem
First heard 3 months ago
Last heard 8 days ago
Does prolonging Subhana Rabbiyal aala invalidate the prayer? - assim al hakeem
Does prolonging Subhana Rabbiyal aala invalidate the prayer? - assim al hakeem
First heard 3 months ago
Last heard 3 days ago
Unknown - Hadith Perfume of men has scent & no color Adornment of women has color but no scent assim al hakeem
Unknown - Hadith Perfume of men has scent & no color Adornment of women has color but no scent assim al hakeem
First heard 3 months ago
Last heard 16 days ago
Can women recite from the mushaf (Quran) with gloves on during menses? - assim al hakeem
Can women recite from the mushaf (Quran) with gloves on during menses? - assim al hakeem
First heard 3 months ago
Last heard 13 days ago
Is it permissible to work in kafir owned businesses? - #assim assim al hakeem
Is it permissible to work in kafir owned businesses? - #assim assim al hakeem
First heard 3 months ago
Last heard 3 days ago
If I'm sweating & stinking, is my prayer valid in congregation in the masjid? - assim al hakeem
If I'm sweating & stinking, is my prayer valid in congregation in the masjid? - assim al hakeem
First heard 3 months ago
Last heard 16 days ago
Unknown - If parents are pleased, is it a sign that Allah is pleased too? No torment of grave? assim al hakeem
Unknown - If parents are pleased, is it a sign that Allah is pleased too? No torment of grave? assim al hakeem
First heard 4 months ago
Last heard 24 days ago
Going through menopause & see spotting before & after menses - what to do? - Assim al hakeem
Going through menopause & see spotting before & after menses - what to do? - Assim al hakeem
First heard 4 months ago
Last heard 17 days ago
Can we wear perfume that has alcohol and pray with it on? - assim al hakeem
Can we wear perfume that has alcohol and pray with it on? - assim al hakeem
First heard 4 months ago
Last heard 6 days ago
Unknown - Grandpa didn't pray when my mum got married, Is her nikah invalid Am I illegitimate? assim al hakeem
Unknown - Grandpa didn't pray when my mum got married, Is her nikah invalid Am I illegitimate? assim al hakeem
First heard 4 months ago
Last heard 13 days ago
Unknown - Is wudu valid when wiping head if we miss some areas (middle of the head, corners)? assim al hakeem
Unknown - Is wudu valid when wiping head if we miss some areas (middle of the head, corners)? assim al hakeem
First heard 4 months ago
Last heard 12 days ago
Unknown - Must we recite all the duas of morning & evening adhkar or can we pick & choose? assim al hakeem
Unknown - Must we recite all the duas of morning & evening adhkar or can we pick & choose? assim al hakeem
First heard 4 months ago
Last heard 8 days ago
If Satan (Iblis) is made from fire, how will he be punished with fire in hell? - assim al hakeem
If Satan (Iblis) is made from fire, how will he be punished with fire in hell? - assim al hakeem
First heard 4 months ago
Last heard a month ago
If a person makes jokes using Islamic elements, is it considered as mocking islam? - Assim al hakeem
If a person makes jokes using Islamic elements, is it considered as mocking islam? - Assim al hakeem
First heard 4 months ago
Last heard 11 days ago
How do I achieve balance between dunya & the hereafter? - assim al hakeem
How do I achieve balance between dunya & the hereafter? - assim al hakeem
First heard 4 months ago
Last heard 14 days ago
Unknown - Is shaving off head makrooh? Does shaving bring one closer to Allah? #assim assim al hakeem
Unknown - Is shaving off head makrooh? Does shaving bring one closer to Allah? #assim assim al hakeem
First heard 4 months ago
Last heard 21 days ago
Unknown - Are phrases Ma sha Allah, In sha Allah, JazakAllah khair, Barak Allah feek authentic Assim al hakeem
Unknown - Are phrases Ma sha Allah, In sha Allah, JazakAllah khair, Barak Allah feek authentic Assim al hakeem
First heard 4 months ago
Last heard 14 days ago
Unknown - I pray all my prayers loudly so I can focus, is this permissible? Are prayers valid? assim al hakeem
Unknown - I pray all my prayers loudly so I can focus, is this permissible? Are prayers valid? assim al hakeem
First heard 4 months ago
Last heard a month ago
Unknown - Why is trimming beard more than a fist length haram when Companions did it? #assim assim al hakeem
Unknown - Why is trimming beard more than a fist length haram when Companions did it? #assim assim al hakeem
First heard 4 months ago
Last heard 4 days ago
Hadith: ''Give glad tidings of hellfire to the disbelievers'', is this authentic? - assim al hakeem
Hadith: ''Give glad tidings of hellfire to the disbelievers'', is this authentic? - assim al hakeem
First heard 4 months ago
Last heard 20 days ago
Unknown - I built App about who is at fault in accidents & compensation amounts, permissible? assim al hakeem
Unknown - I built App about who is at fault in accidents & compensation amounts, permissible? assim al hakeem
First heard 4 months ago
Last heard 24 days ago
Unknown - If I promise someone must I fulfill it based on the hadith ''Muslims abide by their condition? #assim
Unknown - If I promise someone must I fulfill it based on the hadith ''Muslims abide by their condition? #assim
First heard 4 months ago
Last heard 15 days ago
Unknown - Made oath 2 not return 2 haram delivery job Sinful if I join? Free mixing job Music? assim al hakeem
Unknown - Made oath 2 not return 2 haram delivery job Sinful if I join? Free mixing job Music? assim al hakeem
First heard 4 months ago
Last heard 3 days ago
Unknown - Should we not tell people about our upcoming events due to fear of evil eye? #assim assim al hakeem
Unknown - Should we not tell people about our upcoming events due to fear of evil eye? #assim assim al hakeem
First heard 4 months ago
Last heard 13 days ago
Unknown - How 2 lower gaze when there are improperly dressed girls everywhere School Uni Streets assimalhakeem
Unknown - How 2 lower gaze when there are improperly dressed girls everywhere School Uni Streets assimalhakeem
First heard 4 months ago
Last heard 6 days ago
Unknown - Reading Tafseer Ibn Kathir for group of sisters on WhatsApp group? Must not add your own views assim
Unknown - Reading Tafseer Ibn Kathir for group of sisters on WhatsApp group? Must not add your own views assim
First heard 4 months ago
Last heard 17 days ago
How to deal with the hypocrites of Islam ( Quraniyoon..) - assim al hakeem
How to deal with the hypocrites of Islam ( Quraniyoon..) - assim al hakeem
First heard 4 months ago
Last heard 2 months ago
Unknown - What is being content with Allah's decree? If it's hot & I get mad, is it discontent assim al hakeem
Unknown - What is being content with Allah's decree? If it's hot & I get mad, is it discontent assim al hakeem
First heard 4 months ago
Last heard a month ago
Attending chaliswa or death anniversary if relatives invite & insist, what to do? - assim al hakeem
Attending chaliswa or death anniversary if relatives invite & insist, what to do? - assim al hakeem
First heard 4 months ago
Last heard 6 days ago
How can a person maintain high level of iman throughout his life? - #assim assim al hakeem
How can a person maintain high level of iman throughout his life? - #assim assim al hakeem
First heard 4 months ago
Last heard 13 days ago
Can a daughter bathe her elderly father if there is no one else to help? - assim al hakeem
Can a daughter bathe her elderly father if there is no one else to help? - assim al hakeem
First heard 4 months ago
Last heard 2 months ago
Can she give condolences to her ex boyfriend or non mahram friends? - assim al hakeem
Can she give condolences to her ex boyfriend or non mahram friends? - assim al hakeem
First heard 4 months ago
Last heard a month ago
Good deeds & Bad deeds on the Day of Judgement for Muslims & Non Muslims - assim al hakeem
Good deeds & Bad deeds on the Day of Judgement for Muslims & Non Muslims - assim al hakeem
First heard 4 months ago
Last heard 13 days ago
Unknown - Permissible 2 sell Marketing Web design services 2 companies that may use for haram? Assim al hakeem
Unknown - Permissible 2 sell Marketing Web design services 2 companies that may use for haram? Assim al hakeem
First heard 4 months ago
Last heard 18 days ago
Unknown - Can women watch other women giving lectures or cooking shows etc even without hijab? assim al hakeem
Unknown - Can women watch other women giving lectures or cooking shows etc even without hijab? assim al hakeem
First heard 4 months ago
Last heard 10 days ago
Unknown - Going to Dargah, Shrine & make dua to Allah through barakah & status of the deceased assim al hakeem
Unknown - Going to Dargah, Shrine & make dua to Allah through barakah & status of the deceased assim al hakeem
First heard 4 months ago
Last heard 8 days ago
Unknown - Taught siblings 2 clean after going 2 bathroom Must I check if they cleaned properly Assim al hakeem
Unknown - Taught siblings 2 clean after going 2 bathroom Must I check if they cleaned properly Assim al hakeem
First heard 4 months ago
Last heard 3 days ago
Is making dua after fard prayers an innovation? - assim al hakeem
Is making dua after fard prayers an innovation? - assim al hakeem
First heard 4 months ago
Last heard a month ago
Unknown - Is it must to say wa Allahu haseebo whenever I praise someone, if I'm shy is it kufr assim al hakeem
Unknown - Is it must to say wa Allahu haseebo whenever I praise someone, if I'm shy is it kufr assim al hakeem
First heard 4 months ago
Last heard 22 days ago
Unknown - Mom made me take Oath 2 never speak 2 girls, have girlfriends How to get out of oath Assim al hakeem
Unknown - Mom made me take Oath 2 never speak 2 girls, have girlfriends How to get out of oath Assim al hakeem
First heard 4 months ago
Last heard 21 hours ago
Unknown - Is it permissible to eat / drink with my left hand while I'm breastfeeding my baby? Assim al hakeem
Unknown - Is it permissible to eat / drink with my left hand while I'm breastfeeding my baby? Assim al hakeem
First heard 4 months ago
Last heard 14 days ago
Unknown - Businessman must pay bribe to get a contract with another company, is it permissible assim al hakeem
Unknown - Businessman must pay bribe to get a contract with another company, is it permissible assim al hakeem
First heard 4 months ago
Last heard a month ago
Unknown - Is a daughter guest at her parents home after marriage & not have the same rights? assim al hakeem
Unknown - Is a daughter guest at her parents home after marriage & not have the same rights? assim al hakeem
First heard 4 months ago
Last heard 8 days ago
Total: 1,000
37 minutes ago: Unknown - Dealing With Anxiety in Light of The Sirah | Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi
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7 minutes ago: Van Morrison - Brown Eyed Girl
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an hour ago: Heavystorm Quiet Storm with Melvin Jordan (R) - Melvin Jordan - Heavystorm Quiet Storm
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2 hours ago: Stanford Prison Experiment - Contusion
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7 minutes ago: Rolling Stones - I Can t Get No Satisfaction
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8 minutes ago: Future Islands - King of Sweden
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4 minutes ago: Quiet Riot - Cum On Feel The Noize - Hard Rock 4ever - Rock
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5 minutes ago: Michael Johnson - The Moon Is Still over Her Shoulder
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4 minutes ago: Dua Lipa - Don't Stop Now
play watch
5 minutes ago: Taylor Swift - I Knew You Were Trouble
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2 hours ago: LA NUBE JULIO 12 - 24 PARTE 5