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Moonbug Radio
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Language: English
KidsSiriusXMSirius XM channel 136
Sing along to music from your kids' favorite shows such as CoComelon, Blippi and many more.

How to listen to Moonbug Radio online for free

Watch this station

For this station we offer our unique feature, you can enjoy this station experience, watching a video channel.
Watch 613 videos from 14 artists such as Meekah, Gecko's Garage, Lellobee City Farm, Nursery Rhymes 123, La La Lullaby, and others.
It's completely free, and you can play it on any device.
You can read more about video channels in FAQ.


Moonbug Radio belongs to SiriusXM network. SiriusXM is a paid satellite radio.
To be able to listen to their official stream, you have to pay for the subscription and use their app.
You could also visit official station website: